Travel Advice Tibet | Travel Tips|

What to wear, money matters and more Tibet travel advice! At Pyala, we have gathered all the information, so you can read about all things practical.

Travel Tips Tibet

Travel Advice Tibet | Travel Tips Tibet

Money Matters
In Tibet the currency is the Chinese Yuan (CNY), often referred to as Renminbi (RMB) or kwai when spoken.It is best to bring a mixture of cash and travelers checks in major currencies – USD, CAD, EUR, AUD – and ensure you have a mixture of large and small denominations. Shopping is difficult to predict, but most people buy more than they intended. If you intend to buy quality art works including hand-painted thangkas, carpets or traditional jewelry allow significantly more – you can easily spend USD200+ for top quality items.

Major currencies can be exchanged for Chinese Yuan (CNY) on arrival at Gongkar Airport and at Bank of China branches in Lhasa and Shigatse.
ATM withdrawals (CNY only) are usually possible in Lhasa, but should not be depended upon. It is possible to exchange USD and excess CNY into NPR at the Zhangmu/Kodari border and at exchange counters on return to Kathmandu.

Private internet bars can be found in main cities Alternatively you can use business centres in China Telecom offices. Some websites have been blacklisted by the Chinese government and cannot be accessed from within China.

Be careful making international calls from hotels as they can be very expensive. Private telecom booths are cheaper and easy to use. To make international calls you will need a phone card bought from inside Tibet. All cities and even most small towns have mobile phone reception if your phone is enabled with international roaming.  


Receiving post is not recommended as we are usually doing something or travelling during the opening hours of most post offices. Allow up to 10 days for mail to arrive at international destinations. Writing the address in Chinese can help speed delivery .