Travel Advice Mongolia | Travel Tips|

What to wear, money matters and more Mongolia travel advice! At Pyala, we have gathered all the information, so you can read about all things practical.

Travel Tips Mongolia

Travel Advice Mongolia | Travel Tips Mongolia

Money Matters

The exchange rate has been comparatively stable during last two years ranging between 1675-1800 Mongolian tugriks to 1USD. The euro rate averages 1.4-1.5 of USD rate. Make sure to change money at banks or exchange offices in Ulan Bator as it is not always possible in the countryside, especially in euros and other currencies. Make a note that damaged notes and notes printed before 1995 may not be accepted. Credit cards are accepted in large shops and supermarkets in the city. We advise you to have Mongolian tugriks in your wallet for smaller shops and bazaars, as well as for necessary supplies in the countryside.
Time Difference

The time in Mongolia is 6 hours ahead of Western Europe in summer, 7 hours in winter. If you travel to Altai in Western Mongolia it will be one hour earlier compared to Ulan Bator. Mongolia has two timezones.

The standard voltage in Mongolia is 220 V. Mostly sockets that accept round twin forks are used. If your gadget plug has flat forks you need an adapter/converter.
Packing Tips for Mongolia

For travelers to Mongolia the preparation is the key. We provide detailed packing list and advice for the preparation of the tour to Mongolia. Mongolia is a country of extremes and weather is unpredictable and what you take will depend on where and when you intend to travel, and in which way you travel- on an organized tour, on a wilderness expedition or on a business. Checklists are provided HERE for seasonal and special activity-tours.