Covid in Kyrgyzstan | Rules and restrictions | Pyala Travel

The latest information about Kyrgyzstan, the Coronavirus, COVID19 and travel restrictions

Travel and Covid in Kyrgyzstan

Read the latest travel advice on travel and corona, travel restrictions, possible entry ban and quarantine measures in Kyrgyzstan.

BIG NEWS! As of December 4, travelers from ALL countries may re-enter Kyrgyzstan! On this page you will find the current conditions to travel into the country.

Current situation in Kyrgyzstan during Covid Times

We are in contact with our local agents regularly, and of course we keep getting updates from them occasionally.

December 4th, 2020
Since December 4th, 2020, it is possible for residents of all countries in the world to travel into Kyrgyzstan! Anyone who can show a negative PCR test is allowed to board a flight to Kyrgyzstan. This test must not be more than 72 hours old. Upon arrival at Kyrgyzstan airport, all passengers will be checked at a quarantine station. If your PCR test has expired (for example, due to a delay), the test will be taken from you on the spot.  In Kyrgyzstan itself you are free to go wherever you want, but it is mandatory to wear a mouth mask in public places.

Travel to Kyrgyzstan after Covid times

In the meantime, we are continuing to improve our private tours to Kyrgyzstan and we can't wait to show you our options to visit Kyrgyzstan. Of course your tour to Kygyzstan can be completely tailormade to your wishes.